Conversion charges and parking charges are variable according to the category of area in which commercial shop is exist. Following is the list of different type of areas and their conversion rates.
Land Conversion Rates for Different Areas in Delhi
Subject : | Fixation of rates to be applied for use conversion, mixed land use and other charges for enhanced FAR arising out of MPD-2021: Modifications in Notification S.O.2432(E), dated 10-10-2008 and S.O.2955(E) dated 23.12.2008. |
S.O.544(E) :- In exercise of powers conferred by Section 57 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), the Delhi Development Authority with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following modification to Notification S.O.2432 (E) dated 10th October, 2008 and S.O.2955(E), dated 23.12.2008 published in the Gazette of India, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-Section (ii) with regard to fixation of rates to be applied for use conversion charges for conversion from industrial to commercial for commercial activities including Banquet Halls.
Para 7(h) of these notification dated 10-10-2008 and 23-12-2008 shall be substituted by the following :-
(Rates in rupees per sq. meter )
Sl.No. | Item | Modified Recommendations | Modified Rates approved by the Ministry | ||
1. | Use conversion charges for change of use from ‘industrial’ to ‘commercial’ including Banquet Halls. | Rates structure given as follows: One time conversion charge=10%of (Present commercial rate minus present industrial rate) | The use conversion charges for the year 2007-08 for the built up area shall be as under :- | ||
Central, South & Dwarka | Rs.12508 | ||||
North, East, West & Rohini | Rs.8097 | ||||
Narela | Rs.1300 | ||||
The other charges as prescribed under MPD-2021 shall also be applicable.
These rates will remain in force till these are further modified and notified with the approval of the Central Government.
Other contents of the above referred notifications shall remain changed.
Delhi Development Authority (Fixation of Charges for Mixed Use and Commercial Use of Premises) Regulations, 2006
S.O. ………. In exercise of power conferred by Section 57 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), the Delhi Development Authority with the previous approval of the Central Government hereby makes the following modification to Notification No S.O.1993 (E) dated 20th November, 2006 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part-II, Senction-3:-
(1) | Para 3 shall be substituted by the following:- |
These Regulations shall apply to residential premises being used for non-residential activity in accordance with the Mixed Use regulations contained in the Master Plan of Delhi, with the perspective for the year 2021 |
(2) | Para 5 shall be substituted by the following:- |
5.1 | The premises under mixed use shall be subject to levy of Annual Mixed Use charges for the period upto which the premises remain / likely to remain under mixed use. The Annual Mixed Use charges for the financial year 2006-07 for different categories of colonies shall be as under: |
(a) | For MCD areas :- |
(Rates in Rs. Per sqm. built up area)
S. NO | Type of Mixed use | A & B Category ofcolony | C & DCategory ofcolony | E, F & GCategory ofColony |
1. | Retail Shops | 767 | 511 | 192 |
2. | Other Activities | 383 | 256 | 96 |
3. | Professional Activities | 192 | 128 | 48 |
(b) | For NDMC areas :- |
S.No. | Type of mixed use | (Rates in Rs. Per Sq. Mtr.Built up area ) |
1. | Retail Shops | 1534 |
2. | Other Activities | 766 |
3. | Professional Activities | 384 |
5.2 | The payment of annual mixed –use charges shall be made by the owner / allottee / resident / user of the premises to the local authority voluntarily before 30th June of every year in respect of the previous assessment year, or part there of, in proportion to that part. For the 2006-2007, 1/4th of the annual mixed use charges shall be paid on or before 30.06.2007 and the balance 3/4th shall be paid on or before 30.09.2007. For the subsequent assessment years, the entire charges are to be paid on or before 30th June of that year. |
5.3 | These rates shall remain in force in respect of subsequent years also unless specifically revised and notified with the approval of the Central Government. |
5.4 | The owner/ allottee/ resident / user of the premises shall have option to make one time payment of mixed use charges, which shall be as follows for the year 2006-07:- |
(a) | For MCD areas :- |
(Rates in Rs. Per Sq. Meter built up area)
S. NO | Type ofMixed use | A&B Category of colony | C&DCategory of colony | E,F&GCategory of colonies |
1. | Retail Shops | 6136 | 4088 | 1536 |
2. | Other Activities | 3064 | 2048 | 768 |
3. | Professional Activities | 1536 | 1024 | 384 |
(b) | For NDMC areas :- |
S.NO | Type of mixed use | (Rates in Rs. Per Sq. meter built up area) |
1. | Retail Shops | 12272 |
2. | Other Activities | 6128 |
3. | Professional Activities | 3072 |
5.5 | The payment of one time mixed use charges for the years 2006-07 may be made in four equal quarterly instalments, the first instalment of which shall be paid on or before 30.06.2007. |
5.6 | The mixed use charges of villages and rehabilitation colonies in NDMC areas shall be equal to the charges for the various categories of MCD colonies. |
(3) | Para 6 shall be substituted by the following:- |
6. | The annual mixed use charges for mixed land streets /commercial streets / areas shall be the same. |
(4) | Para 7 shall be substituted by the following:- |
7.1 | The owner /allottee / resident /user of the plot /dwelling unit under the mixed land use shall also be liable to pay one time charges for development of parking and such rate for one ECS per 50sq. mtr. of plot area shall be as under for the years 2006-07:- |
(a) | For MCD areas :- |
A & B category of colonies | Rs. 2,10,500/- |
C & D category of colonies | Rs.1,49,750/- |
E, F & G category of colonies | Rs.66,500/- |
(b) | For NDMC areas :- |
Rs.2,10,500/- for one ECS per 50sq. m of plot area.
7.2 | Out of the total one time charges for development of parking 1/3rd shall be paid on or before 30.06.2007 and the remaining 2/3rd by 31.03.2008. |
7.3 | No development charges for parking shall be payable by small shop owners of area upto 20 sq.m dealing with the items /activities as defined in Para 15.6.3 of the Master Plan for Delhi 2021 in respect of any category of colonies. |
7.4 | Development charges shall also not be payable by owner / allottee / resident / user of the plot / dwelling units falling under notified pedestrian shopping streets. |
(5) | Para 9 shall be substituted by the following:- |
See also : Conversion Rules For Municipal Corporation of Delhi
9. | PENALTY |
9.1 | Delay in payment of development charges for parking or mixed use charges of the relevant financial year shall be compoundable on payment of interest at 8% p.a. |
9.2 | The property found under mixed use without declaration or registration or in violation of the relevant provisions of the Master Plan for Delhi 2021 and these regulations, shall be liable for penal action under the relevant Act by the local body concerned and also a penalty amounting to 10 times the annual conversion charges for mixed use shall be imposed . |
Fixation of rates to be applied for use conversion, mixed land use and other charges for enhanced FAR arising out of MPD 2021 |
S.O.2955(E) :- In exercise of powers conferred by Section 57 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), the Delhi Development Authority with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following Regulations in pursuance to Notification No. S.O.2432 (E) dated 10th October, 2008:-
SL.NO. | Item | Recommendation of the Ministry | Rates worked out on the basis of the recommendations of the Ministry.(Rates in Rs.per sqm) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. | (a):Residential properties including for basement under Mixed Use-rates of payment of betterment levy/ additional FAR charges for New construction and penalty /compounding / special compounding charges for regularization of unauthorized construction | As per notification of 20.11.06 which was applicable for 2006-07 to be made applicable for 2007-08. | The following rates as per notification dt. 20.11.2006 which was applicable for 2006-07 to be made applicable for 2007-08, the same are as under:(1) New Construction:
(2)Regularization of unauthorized Construction: (a)Additional Coverage within Sanctioned height.
(b) Additional Coverage above sanctioned but within permissible Height (as per 23.7.98)
(c)Additional Coverage beyond Permissible height as per 23.07 .98 but within 15 meters.
(b) Residential properties including For basement under Mixed Use | The charges to remain the same as notified for the floors above the basement. | The rates for additional coverage above Sanctioned but within permissible height (as per 23.7.98)- use of basement for Professional/commercial activities leading to excess permissible area on the plot:
The applicant is liable to pay mixed land Use charges in addition to FAR charges. |
2. | (c) Additional FAR charges for Cooperative Group Housing Societies allotted by DDA | To be at par with the rates for residential properties under para 5.2 of notification dt. 20.11.06 both for 2006-07 and 2007-08 | Same rates for 2006-07 &2007-08 asGiven in S.No. 1 above. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. | (d): Rates for betterment /levy Additional FARcharges and Penalty/ compounding charges/Special compounding charges For NDMC residential areas | At par with the rate Of ‘A’ category of MCD colonies. | (1)New Construction: Rs.3500/- (2)Regularization of Unauthorized construction:
4. | (e) Rates for additional FAR for commercial properties (excluding hotel and parking plots) | 50% of the updated last year zonal average auction rate. |
5. | (f) Additional FAR charges for industrial plots | To be determined as 50% of the updated previous ZAAR on the lines of Addl. FAR charges for commercial Properties. |
6. | (g) Additional FAR charges for institutional plots i.e. including hospital plots. | @ 50% of the updated Zonal market rate of Intuitional propertiesfor those disposed by auction as well as for those properties which were allotted to private Parties. This is not applicable to those institutions which were allotted land @Rs.1/- for whom no such charges is recommended. |
This is not application to those institutions which were allotted land @Re.1/- for whom no such charge is Recommended.
7. | (h) Use conversioncharges for change ofland use from industrial to ‘commercial’ for commercial activities including Banquet Halls | Rate structure given as Follows:One time Conversion charges =25% of (present commercialRate minus presentIndustrial rate) | The use conversion charges for 2007-08 for the built up area shall be as under:
8. | Penalty for availing additional FAR without sanction | For commercial / industrial / institutional Properties @30% as penalty over and above addl. FARCharges. | For Commercial / industrial / institutional Properties, @ 30% as penalty over and above additional FAR charges. |
Land Conversion Rates for Different Areas in Delhi by MCD