IGNOU Admission | Registration status | Enrollment Number

The IGNOU University open the admission to these disciplines as per the academic calendar.  In 2015 IGNOU announced the admission for the above mentioned disciplines through national and regional media such as local daily newspapers, official website (www.ignou.ac.in). The IGNOU offers admission in two academic cycles i.e for January and July session respectively.  The University offers both long term and short term programmes leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Advance Diploma and Degrees Few disciplines has been offered to students for admission in January session and few are offered in July session. Whereas there are many programmes which are offered in both admission cycles.

Also Check : IGNOU B.Ed. Admission Instructions and Procedure Details

After filling up the admission form applicants  remain in the state of confusion whether their admission is confirmed or not.  They remain unsure about their admission in the university even after one month. To avoid such situation and in order to help applicants   the university has mentioned the link on its official website to check the IGNOU Registration Status or IGNOU Admission Status.


IGNOU Admission | Registration status | Enrollment Number,  How to Get Your IGNOU Registration Status 2015


click here to check your registration status

5 Steps to Get Your IGNOU Registration Status

  1. click on the above link.
  2. Fill your Name.
  3. Select your Programme and Regional Centre.
  4. Fill your Date of Birth.
  5. Click on submit.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University provides an option on its website for all its students to check their admission status 2015  online. The students who have taken new admission in university July or January academic cycles can check their status for the admission status anytime. You can get conformation of admission by registration status. You can also get your enrollment number which is necessary for each correspondence with IGNOU.  enrollment number is a 9 digit number which is used in exams,result etc.